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 Nancy Clark Hankel    

Nancy is one of the most respected experts and collectors in Schreiner NYC jewelries. She is a moderator and active contributor of Schreiner NYC Research/Sale Group on Facebook.

All Matched Series & Various Styles

Schreiner 9 large rose cut disc buckle crystal coral emerld amber goldtone jewelrySchreiner horizontal symmetrical keystone buckle 2 level 4 group of 5 keystone large round faceted cab center 6 small surrounding chaton X84BUB jewelrySchreiner 10 large oval stone connected by 3 chaton and 8 small chaton large oval millefiori crystal smoky blue inverted gunmetal jewelry
Schreiner diamond shaped radial 4 large bubble buckle large oval center 2 round 12 navette metal cup deco marbled coral teardrop art glass millefiori large oval center faux pearl green crystal faceted navette goldtone jewelrySchreiner 8 large oval cab connected by 5 large chaton 12 small chaton large oval multi colored stone red pale lavender silvertone jewelrySchreiner butterfly buckle 4 large faceted teardrop teardrop tail jet faceted large teardrop stone amber square stone crystal faceted chaton jewelry
Schreiner 2 strand 14 large disc 13 oval stone total 27 stone faux pearl lapis emerald opaque coral opaque baby blue goldtone jewelrySchreiner large greek key square stone center buckle 1 large oval cab 5 large chaton jade greek key square stone moonglow white chaton marbled pink goldtone jewelrySchreiner diamond shaped radial scrollwork buckle bordered small invert stone oval cab center 8 surrounding round cab 2 large teardrop at end opaque baby blue round cab crystal inverted goldtone jewelry
Schreiner 10 large oval stone surrounded by 12 small chaton connected by 8 keystone jet keystone large oval faux pearl crystal small chaton silvertone jewelrySchreiner 1 large oval moroccan tile opaque baby blue border green red jewelrySchreiner asymmetric earring 1 large round inverted stone center 1 large navette 2 chaton 2 small chaton aqua green bicolor navette green faceted large round cab goldtone jewelry
Schreiner 3 keystone large oval chaton small chaton emerald large chaton coral keystone peach small chaton goldtone jewelrySchreiner 1 large faceted chaton 3 small chaton on one side bicolor sapphire ruby ice blue jewelrySchreiner 1 large faceted chaton 3 small chaton on one side bicolor apple ruby goldtone jewelry
Schreiner 8 rectangle stone surrounding large emerald cut center 8 small chaton pink speckled purple ice blue emerald cut crystal goldtone jewelrySchreiner 4 large oval cab jelly belly 2 small jelly belly 2 branch of 2 baguette 3 navette wired frame of small baguette ruby jelly belly crystal gunmetal jewelrySchreiner 4 rectangle stone surrounding small chaton center pink speckled purple ice blue small chaton goldtone jewelry
Schreiner top down dangling earring 1 large dangling teardrop in the middle 2 large diamond shaped dangling bead top 3 navette 2 small chaton clear green molded large teardrop faceted diamond shaped crystal bead small ab chaton green navette ab large navette silvertone jewelrySchreiner 4 small square stone 8 small chaton surrounding 1 large emeral cut center stone radial diamond shaped clear aqua chaton purple small faceted square bicolor purple aqua emerald cut silvertone jewelrySchreiner 4 small square stone 8 small chaton surrounding 1 large emeral cut center stone radial diamond shaped clear aqua small square purple small chaton bicolor purple aqua emerald cut silvertone jewelry
Schreiner 3 dangling top down earring top 3 large oval cab 6 small bagette 2 side teardrop dangle navette middle long small chaton stem large teardrop bead dangle navy blue large oval cab crystal small baguette ice lavender clear small navette crystal small chaton emerald large teardrop ruby large teardrop goldtone jewelrySchreiner top down 3 dangling earring top faux pearl center 4 surrounding navette 3 surrounding chaton 1 surrounding small faux pearl emearld large teardrop topaz teardrop navy blue teardrop crystal faux pearl jewelrySchreiner 3 part large greek key square stone dangle earring large oval cab top chaton middle jade greek key square stone moonglow white chaton marbled pink goldtone jewelry